Secrets of Successful iHeartRadio Podcast Submissions

So you’ve created a fantastic podcast, and now you want to get it in front of as many listeners as possible. One of the best ways to increase your podcast’s reach and viewership is by getting it distributed on iHeartRadio, one of the biggest podcast platforms around. The good news is that iHeartRadio accepts podcast submissions from creators of all experience levels and backgrounds. The bad news is that with so many podcasts out there, it can be tricky to get yours noticed and accepted. But follow these secrets from podcasters who have successfully obtained their shows on iHeartRadio, and you’ll increase your chances of getting your podcast in front of iHeartRadio’s massive audience.

Preparing Your Podcast for iHeartRadio Submission

To get your podcast in front of iHeartRadio’s huge audience, you need to make sure it’s ready for prime time.

Check your content

Go through your back catalog and ensure all episodes meet iHeartRadio’s content standards. They don’t accept anything illegal, dangerous or overly explicit.

Set a regular release schedule

iHeartRadio prefers shows that release new episodes on a consistent basis, at least once a month. If you’ve been inconsistent, build up a backlog of episodes so you can start releasing on a standard schedule.

Good audio quality is a must

Invest in a high-quality mic, reduce background noise, and make sure your audio levels are balanced. iHeartRadio has high production standards, so clean, professional-sounding audio is key.

An appealing show image

Your podcast art is the first thing people see. Use an eye-catching, high-resolution image that conveys your show’s theme or genre. Include your show’s name and episode number.

Write a compelling show description

Your show description is what will make people hit play. Keep it under 160 characters and sell the benefits and experience of listening. Mention your release schedule and episode run time.

Submit through iHeartRadio’s portal

When your show is primed and polished, submit it through iHeartRadio’s podcast portal. Be prepared for a review period of 4 to 6 weeks. If accepted, your show will be available to stream and download through the iHeartRadio app and other major platforms.

With the right preparation, you’ll have iHeartRadio listeners tuning in and turning on in no time! Focus on value, quality, and consistency, and you’ll be well on your way to podcast success.

Optimizing Your Podcast Metadata

To get your podcast in front of iHeartRadio’s huge audience, you need to optimize your show’s metadata. Metadata refers to all the details about your podcast, like the title, description, cover art, and so on. Get this right, and you’ll increase your chances of getting featured.

Choose a Catchy Title

Your title is the first thing people see, so make it eye-catching and compelling. Mention the topic or theme of your show and use power words to grab attention. Aim for 6 to 12 words that capture the essence of what you discuss.

Write an Engaging Description

Your description should be 3-4 sentences that hook listeners and give a sense of what to expect from each episode. Share why you started the podcast, your background, and the value listeners will get. Be authentic and enthusiastic! Mention your show’s format, content, and ideal audience. Use keywords and phrases people would search for.

Select High-Quality Cover Art

Your cover art is the face of the show. It should reflect your podcast’s genre, theme, and tone. Use bold colors and visuals that stand out. Include your show’s title and any branding. Make sure the art looks professional — avoid low-resolution images or an overly cluttered design.

Choose the Right Categories

Select categories and subcategories that accurately represent your show’s content and topic. The closer a match, the more likely to be featured. Only choose categories that apply to the majority of your episodes.

Check and Double-Check

Review all your metadata for any errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation before submitting. Have someone else look it over, too, for an extra set of eyes. With strong, optimized metadata, your podcast will be ready for iHeartRadio’s consideration. Now, take a deep breath and hit submit!

Following iHeartRadio’s Content Guidelines

To get your podcast approved and featured on iHeartRadio, you’ll need to make sure your content aligns with their guidelines. iHeartRadio aims to provide listeners with high-quality, engaging content from a diverse range of creators.

Language and Content

Your podcast should use appropriate language for all ages and avoid excessive profanity or offensive terms. Discuss topics in a constructive manner without promoting hate, intolerance or illegal activities.


Submit high-quality audio files without excessive background noise, static or distortion. Test and edit your episodes to ensure clear sound before uploading. Provide interesting, well-researched content that offers value to listeners. iHeartRadio favors podcasts with great content, audio quality and production value.


Release new episodes on a consistent schedule, whether weekly, biweekly or monthly. Don’t leave large gaps between episodes or frequently change your release schedule. Listeners expect consistency and regularity. If you do need to take an extended break, be sure to communicate that to your listeners ahead of time.


Aim for podcast episodes between 20 to 60 minutes in length for the best chance of getting accepted to iHeartRadio. Both shorter and longer podcasts can be accepted, but episodes in this typical range are most common on the platform.

Copyright and Permissions

Only use content, music, or other media that you have the rights to. Obtain proper permission for everything included in your podcast to avoid copyright issues. iHeartRadio does not accept podcasts with unauthorized or illegally obtained content.

Following these guidelines will increase your chances of getting your podcast accepted to iHeartRadio. With engaging content, high production quality, and consistency, your podcast has a great shot at being featured on iHeartRadio. Stay within their content policies, meet their technical standards and keep providing value to listeners.

Submitting Your Podcast to iHeartRadio

Once you’ve produced your podcast and are ready to share it with the world, submitting to iHeartRadio is a great way to gain new listeners. iHeartRadio is one of the largest podcast distributors, with over 20 million monthly podcast listeners. Getting your show in front of that huge audience could really help you build your listenership.

To submit your podcast to iHeartRadio, you’ll need to provide some details about your show. Have the following information handy:

  • Your podcast RSS feed URL. This allows iHeartRadio to access your show’s episodes.
  • Your podcast name, episode titles, descriptions and cover art. These elements help listeners find and connect with your show. Make them appealing and informative.
  • Your show category or categories. iHeartRadio has over 20 categories like Comedy, News, Sports, Technology and more. Choose the categories that best fit your podcast topic or style.
  • Any social media links or websites related to your show. The more ways for listeners to connect, the better.
  • A trailer or preview episode. If available, submitting an episode that best represents your show can help the iHeartRadio team evaluate it.

To submit, go to and click “Submit Your Podcast.” You’ll fill out a form with the details above, and your show and episode metadata will be reviewed by the iHeartRadio team. It takes about two to four weeks for the review process. If selected, your show will be added to the iHeartRadio catalog and promoted across their platform. Rejection is common, so be sure to submit an engaging podcast that offers value to listeners.

Getting added to iHeartRadio is a huge opportunity, but don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. Build your listenership through other means, make improvements to your show, and try submitting again in the future. With time and dedication, you can achieve your goal of getting your podcast in front of iHeartRadio’s massive audience.

Promoting Your Podcast After Approval

Once your podcast has been approved for iHeartRadio, the real work begins. Promoting your show is key to building an audience and achieving success. Here are some tips to get started:

Social Media

Use popular social networking sites to let the world know about your podcast (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, X)… your new iHeartRadio podcast. Post updates, share episode highlights, and engage with your followers. Start building hype leading up to your launch date. It is also helpful to create social media profiles to represent your podcast brand. This helps establish your show as a brand and gives fans a central place to connect with you.


If you have an existing audience on another platform like YouTube or a blog, let them know about your iHeartRadio podcast. Mention it in videos, write a blog post with details about the show, and include links to your iHeartRadio profile in email newsletters or on your website. Your established fans will likely be very interested in this new endeavor.

Reviews and Ratings

Let people know that you would appreciate it if they left a review and rating for your iHeartRadio podcast on iHeartRadio. Ratings and reviews increase your visibility in search results and rankings. They also lend credibility to your show for new listeners. Offer a small incentive like a shout-out on the show or exclusive content for those who leave a review.


Having guests on your podcast is a great way to reach new audiences. When booking guests, try to find influencers, experts, or other podcasters with a similar target audience. Promote the episode heavily to both their followers and your own. There’s a good chance many will stick around as new listeners. You should also appear as a guest on other shows to gain more exposure.

Paid Advertising

Once you’ve built up some traction, consider paid advertising on platforms like social media or search engines. Promoted posts, sponsored stories, and search ads can help raise awareness about your podcast. Only invest in paid ads if you have a solid number of episodes published and are actively releasing new content on a regular schedule. Advertising an incomplete or sporadic show likely won’t lead to the best results.

With dedication and persistence, promoting your podcast will pay off. Keep engaging with your listeners, try new tactics, and don’t get discouraged easily. Growing an audience takes time, but maintaining a promotional strategy will help set you up for success.


So there you have it, the inside scoop on submitting your podcast to iHeartRadio. Now, it’s up to you to take that first big step and get your show out to the masses. You’ve put in the blood, sweat, and tears to build your podcast, now share it with the world. Who knows, in a few months, you could become the next big hit on iHeartRadio and beyond. The only way to find out is to hit that submit button. What are you waiting for? Your podcasting destiny awaits. Go get ’em!

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